Code Kingdoms accounts are designed for one person - the educational tracking and badge reward system won't be able to keep track of more than one person at a time, and (in the case of our Minecraft platform) you only get one private server with your account.Β
You can play on your Roblox and Minecraft games with friends who do not have a Code Kingdoms account, but they can't code on your account without affecting your progress, and unfortunately two people cannot use the code editor on the same account at the same time. Not to worry though - we've got a solution if you want more than one coder to use Code Kingdoms!
If you'd like to have more than one Code Kingdoms account, you can purchase a Family plan, which gives you a maximum of 5 accounts you can register. They're cheaper than you'd think too at only 50% more than an individual plan! Head to our plan page for more information.